Tuesday, October 25, 2011

31 For 21: Just Another Day at the Park

I've once again broken the promise for Halloween pictures, and tomorrow probably won't be any better.  To make up for the craziness that our life has been for the past several days, I took Kennedy to the park.  I'm telling you, this kid loves to swing.  I know that I'm going to have to set limits in life, but I always feel bad ending our park time, because she never gets sick of it.  She hung out in the swing for 40 minutes today, just talking away. 

Tomorrow we have a follow up appointment with Cardiology.  Kennedy had surgery nearly 4 months ago, and has been off all medications for over 2 months now.  All of her echos have showed nothing but wonderful progress.  What little leakage there was, has continued to decrease.  But, none of that ever seems to keep me from being nervous about these appointments.  To top it off, we're not seeing Kennedy's Cardiologist, because she's on maternity leave.  Not to mention, these echos get harder and harder the older she gets! 

Here's some more pictures of little miss swinging.  And a video of her talking.


  1. She's too cute! I envy your Florida weather and the ability to go to the park so often :-) Hailey likes the swings but it is always either too chilly or rainy! Sending good vibes your way for tomorrow's cardio!

  2. Love the pictures of Kennedy in the swing! Miss K is the same way ... she'd stay all day at the park if it meant being the swing.
