Monday, October 15, 2012

[31 for 21} New Friends

For me, one of the hardest parts about leaving Florida is leaving all of my friends, and all of Kennedy's friends.  I feel like I've made a lot of great friends over the years, and especially the past 18 months.  I'm looking forward to creating new friendships, but I'm also dreading the idea of finding new mom's groups, etc. 

Over the weekend we attended the Step Up For Down Syndrome event.  When I found out we would be relocating I immediately checked out the area's Down Syndrome Association.  It seems to be much more active than the one in Tampa, and I'm looking forward to getting involved with them.  The event was a lot of fun, and it was great to meet so many wonderful people.  Conveniently, I know someone from a message board who lives in the area.  We've been planning to meet up and it hasn't worked out on any of our other trips, but our families were able to meet up this weekend at the event.  Kennedy and I were very excited to meet our new friends and are looking forward to many playdates! 

Here are some photos of Ben and Kennedy. 


  1. All i can say is they are so cute together. I am glad you got to the event. Next year i hope i can go with you. Boy do i miss you guys have a safe trip and a good time.
    Love Gramma xoxo

  2. They are adorable!!!

  3. Love the look on Kennedy's fave in the first one! Such cuties!
