Today was also a Cardiology follow up. Kennedy rocked it! We got another perfect report and Kennedy weighed in at a whopping 17lbs 13oz!!!
Here are some pictures from the past week. And I promise, you'll start seeing more updates from me!
Sleeping on Aunt Michelle and Uncle Sam's pool table.
Hi Great Grandma. I like your necklace.
I can't handle all this family time. I'm exhausted!
Enjoying the beach!
I think we should start every morning with a walk on the beach.
Hanging out poolside!
Yes, I'm cute and I know it.
And sometimes I'm shy.
Mom, stop taking pictures, I don't really like this hat.
Daddy, can't we get a pool at home?
Swimming is fun! But don't think I'm going to sleep more tonight.
Okay, maybe swimming made me tired. I'll nap now.
Did someone say I was getting ice cream?
With sprinkles????
I had a little bit of ice cream, and now I'm up partying.
Mom, why don't we ever bring my bike on vacation?
This thing is so much fun!
Look mom, I'm steering!
These are by far some of the cutest pictures ever. She is such a ham! Love it!